The Cricketers Trust.

Charity Registration Number: CC47677
The Cricketers' Trust is a charitable trust established by current professional players and the New Zealand Cricket Players’ Association with a view to assisting past cricketer's who have fallen on hard times.
Cricketer's of the past played in a completely different environment to that which exists today and it is a reality that unfortunate circumstances affect many past players from all generations. It is during these times of need that the trust aims to do what it can to ease the hardship that former players and their families may be experiencing.
Since its inception in 2007, The Cricketers’ Trust has assisted many players with a variety of different issues. As the work of the Trust has become more known there have been more applications for support from past players who for whatever reason have suffered a crisis in their lives and are struggling financially or with their health and well-being.
Many of the situations the Trust supports are sensitive in nature and in the interests of not making a hardship situation worse than it needs to be, remain confidential. However, a selection of some instances where players have received support and wish to acknowledge the Trust in some way are detailed in the stories section.
Aside from financial support, the Trust also assists players in a pastoral manner. Often, helping old team mates and rivals rally around a player in times of need can be as uplifting as any financial contribution the Trust can make. The Trusts work is largely kept confidential to ensure any hardship situation faced by an individual is not made any more difficult.
Charity Registration Number: CC47677
The Cricketers Trust was registered as an official Charity under the Charities Act 2005 on 31 January 2012 under the original name The Cricketers Hardship Trust.
Trust Support Stories.
Our Trustees.

Raising Funds.
Fundraising initiatives for the Trust include;
The Players Golf Day
The annual NZCPA Players' Golf Day is a principal fundraising vehicle for the Trust and provides an opportunity for current Blackcaps to engage with the cause, and contribute to the raising of funds.
Player Donations
Many current players donate directly to the hardship fund and are very generous in providing auction items and memorabilia. The Trust is grateful to the current playing group for their ongoing support of the vision the trust has.
Friends of the Trust
Join our growing number of people who recognise and support the efforts of the Trust.
General Donations
The Trust gratefully accepts all donations to support the cricketers in times of need. Donations are generally made anonymously by cricketers, business people and philanthropists who recognise cricket’s important place in our community.
Friends of the Trust.
The Cricketers’ Trust has been contacted by a growing number of people in the cricket community who would like the opportunity to support the work of the Trust on an ongoing basis. We have therefore developed the fundraising support programme – Friends of the Trust.
Friends of the Trust commit to making an annual donation of NZ$500 to the Trust to support past players in times of need.
This annual donation will be made by automatic payment to the Trust on an annual date designated by the new Friend of the Trust. Importantly, being a registered Charity, the Trust will then send a receipt noting the donation and the Charity number of the Trust.
The Trust aims to have 50 people in the Friends of the Trust programme and will be working hard to meet this number in the short term. If this number is achieved it will mean that this programme is providing $25,000 of critical annual funds to the Trust to aid its work with past players who are struggling.
In recognition of this support each member of Friends of the Trust will receive a copy of the quarterly magazine for the players Outright which is published by the New Zealand Cricket Players Association. They will also go into an annual draw to win a signed BLACKCAPS bat and playing shirt donated by New Zealand Cricket.
If you wish to become of a member of Friends of the Trust and support past players of the game who have fallen on hard times, or struggling with their health and well-being, please complete the membership form and return to the Trustees.

A bequest is an easy way to support The Cricketers Trust.
Making a provision in your Will to donate to The Cricketers' Trust can be a way for you to honour your support for the wider cricket community. No matter the amount, your bequest will be greatly appreciated - it will help the Trust to continue to provide services to look after the cricket community, now and for the future generations.
Your bequest can take any form that is your preference and appropriate to your situation - you have the option of leaving a specific amount, an item or a percentage of your estate to the Trust.
Making a bequest is easy - without a need to make a whole new Will.
If you already have a Will: If you would like to include a bequest to The Cricketers Trust in your existing Will, you can make a simple modification by adding a codicil (a codicil is a supplement to a Will that is intended to alter or modify it). To make sure your codicil is legal, we recommend it is checked and approved by your lawyer.
If you don’t have a Will: A Will is an important legal document so it should be prepared by your lawyer. It’s important to discuss options and specific wording with your lawyer to make sure your Will reflects your wishes clearly, giving specific guidance on how you want your assets and personal belongings distributed when you die.
Wording for a bequest
Here is an example of what can be used to leave a bequest to The Cricketers Trust:
“I give and bequeath to The Cricketers Trust [insert: X% of my estate, or, the residue of my estate, or, sum of money, or, description of property or assets] to be used where most needed. The official receipt of The Cricketers Trust will be sufficient discharge to my Executors/Trustees.”
With or without strings attached
You may chose to leave your bequest freely, i.e. ‘no strings attached’, so that The Cricketers Trust can apply the funds in the areas where they are most needed. Or, if you choose, you can specify where you would like the funds to be spent.
Strictest confidence guaranteed
Any bequest inquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence by The Cricketers Trust. We will respect your wishes if you choose to remain anonymous.
If you have any questions about a bequest, please contact one of the Trustees.
Your donation will help The Cricketer's Trust continue to deliver relief and support to past players and their familes in times of need.
On behalf of the Cricketer's Trust we thank you for your support.