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World Players Association Player Development Conference 2024


The 7th World Players Association Player Development Conference was recently held in Scottsdale, Arizona in April 2024. This year’s conference, generously hosted by the Major League Baseball Players’ Association, was attended by over 100 Players Association representatives from Player Welfare teams based around the globe – including Lesley Elvidge and Paul Hobbs from the NZCPA.

Prior to arriving in Scottsdale, Lesley and Paul transited through Los Angeles where they were able to hold a quick Personal Development team meeting with Jo Murray who happened to be in the US with family at that time!

After the joys of flying domestically in the States (made more difficult by Paul Hobbs’ tendency to attract the attention of security officials), Lesley and Paul arrived in the 36-degree heat of the desert in Arizona. They spent the first few days in conference with their FICA cricket colleagues (from Australia, England, South Africa, the West Indies and Ireland) discussing the successes and challenges of each Association’s Personal Development programmes over the last two years – including how we can all better service the modern

global cricketers’ needs. On behalf of the NZCPA, Lesley presented on the Belonging – Whanaungatanga sessions rolled out to our teams this year and Paul presented on his work in The Cricketers’ Trust space. The sharing of knowledge between cricket players associations was incredibly valuable, but what was arguably more valuable

were the relationships established with our global cricket colleagues.

The World Players Association Player Development Conference which followed over the next three days introduced the NZCPA representatives to amazing global speakers covering a full remit of topics from Vulnerability in PD practice, using Gamification, a Challenge Mindset and Artificial Intelligence in our PD programmes and using Design Thinking Principles with a real focus on serving the athlete of the future. Each session was designed to challenge our thinking and look for new ways of doing things. Delegates also had the opportunity to spend time together in small group sessions discussing current issues they were facing – many of which (not surprisingly) were consistent across all sports. Attendees were also treated to some fabulous American hospitality at BBQs and meals out and, in Paul’s case, an opportunity in the batting cage.

Lesley and Paul returned home reinvigorated with fresh ideas for the Personal Development programme but also extremely proud of the work our PD team is currently doing. We may

be small in terms of size and resource, but that is where the beauty of our programme lies – in the individual relationships we are able to build and maintain with our members.

PDM’s Paul Hobbs, Jo Murray, National PDM Lesley Elvidge. Netball PDM Debbie Christian (left) with PDMs from FICA Member Associations.


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